Accept online Payments / Donation for free 😮😮

Website Blog

Getting a digital platform to accept payments online can ultimately improve the overall performance of your business. Here are the benefits of implementing a payment gateway


  1. Easy Checkout: The swift and seamless checkout experience is a must from a customer’s point of view. A payment gateway enables these features and makes online shopping as easy as possible.
  2. Impulse purchase: It is observed that more than 40% of customers cancel their purchase if the checkout/payment method is tedious or complex. But, according to a study, it is observed that impulse purchase is responsible for 40% of all online purchases, so being provided with an easy payment option will undoubtedly make increase in sales.
  3. Payment gateways also
    1. Integrates with shopping cart
    2. Provides faster payment processing
    3. Accepts multiple payment options
    4. Provides chargeback prevention
    5. Provides fraud management
    6. Also, Provides recurring billing
  4. Security: Payment Gateways are often compliant with security standards like PCI DSS, etc. providing secure transactions

Razorpay for Non-Profits

If you are a Non-profit looking for an option to collect donations online, Razorpay is a good option.

The platform itself is free to use, but like any other payment gateway, there will be a % commission in the transaction.


2% for domestic transactions

3% for international payments


This also includes Automated 80G receipts, an additional benefit for non-profits.


If you need support in setting this up for your organization, comment below / Fill out the form on the services page. 

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  1. in using the razorpay it is free or any charges… u have mentioned its free only but i have seen that there is a 2% charges in domestic & 3% charges for international. request to kindly confirm the same for further proceedings.

    thanks & regards

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