What you need to create a website..

Having a website for an organization / Company seems like a big task. Some common thoughts you will get will be that it's costly, it’s too technical and there will be 10 more reasons on top of this.

Let me break it down for you.

There are 5 major components






  • Domain

    • What is a domain - To make it simple think of a domain as the name of the website, Jafferjamal.com is my website's name. You can choose your site name
    • Where to buy it – these are some popular options, but where you buy it, docent makes any difference.
    • How much does it cost?
      • A simple domain might cost from 600 – 1000 rupees per year.
      • But popular domains might go as far as a few lack.
    • How much does it cost?
      • It might cost from 3000 – 6000 per year.
  • Content Creation

    • This is ideally all the text, images, and videos you want to show on your website.
    • Recommended keeping the content as less as possible.
  • Development

    • I highly recommend using WordPress. It's easy to use and you need not depend on a developer to create a website and make changes to it.
  • Maintenance

    • Keeping your website updated with the latest information is very important.
    • Add blogs, recent events, and activities to keep your website to keep your audience engaged.

Hope this was helpful, If you need assistance is support in creating a website or need a training session for you or your team on how to use WordPress feel free to reach out to us

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