Launching Your WordPress Website to the World

15 Wordpress Launching Your Wordpress Website To The World

Congratulations! You’ve reached the culminating moment of your WordPress website journey – the official launch. This guide will walk you through the final steps to bring your website to the world, from making it public to promoting it on social media and, most importantly, celebrating the accomplishment.

1. Verify Everything One Last Time:

Before making your website public, go through a final checklist to ensure that all elements are in order. Verify that:

  • Content is error-free and proofread.
  • Links are functional, and there are no broken links.
  • Images and media are optimized and correctly displayed.
  • Forms are working correctly.
  • Security measures are in place.
  • Backups are up-to-date.

2. Making Your Website Public:

a. Update Permalinks:

  • Ensure that your permalink structure is optimized for SEO. Go to Settings > Permalinks and choose a structure that is clear and includes relevant keywords.

b. Remove Coming Soon Page:

  • If you had a coming soon or maintenance page active, disable it to make your website accessible to the public.

c. Adjust Privacy Settings:

  • Go to Settings > Reading and confirm that your site visibility is set to “Allow search engines to index this site.” This ensures that search engines can index your content.

d. Remove Password Protection:

  • If any part of your site required a password for access during development, remove these restrictions.

e. Enable Comments:

  • If you want to encourage user engagement, ensure that comments are enabled on your blog posts or relevant pages.

f. Test User Registration (if applicable):

  • If your website allows user registration, test the registration process to confirm that it’s working smoothly.

g. Update Favicon and Site Icon:

  • If you haven’t done so already, set a favicon and site icon that represents your brand. This small visual element enhances your site’s professionalism.

3. Promoting Your Website on Social Media:

a. Prepare Engaging Social Media Posts:

  • Craft engaging posts to announce your website launch on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and any others relevant to your audience.

b. Include Visuals:

  • Attach visuals, such as screenshots or snippets of your website, to make your social media posts visually appealing and enticing.

c. Utilize Hashtags:

  • Incorporate relevant hashtags to increase the discoverability of your launch posts.

d. Share on Company Pages:

  • If applicable, share the launch posts on your company’s social media pages and encourage team members to do the same.

e. Schedule Posts for Optimal Timing:

  • Use social media scheduling tools to plan and schedule your launch posts for optimal times when your audience is most active.

f. Engage with Your Audience:

  • Be present and engage with your audience on social media. Respond to comments, thank your followers for their support, and encourage them to explore your new website.

4. Notify Email Subscribers:

a. Send a Launch Announcement Email:

  • If you have an email subscriber list, send out a newsletter announcing the official launch of your website. Include a call-to-action inviting them to explore your site.

b. Offer Exclusive Content (Optional):

  • As a special treat for your email subscribers, consider offering exclusive content, discounts, or promotions to celebrate the launch.

5. Monitor Website Analytics:

a. Connect Google Analytics:

  • If you haven’t already, connect your website to Google Analytics to track visitor behavior, traffic sources, and other valuable insights.

b. Review Performance Metrics:

  • Monitor website performance metrics such as page views, bounce rate, and session duration. Use this data to make informed decisions for ongoing improvements.

6. Celebrate Your Accomplishment:

a. Reflect on the Journey:

  • Take a moment to reflect on the journey from conceptualization to launch. Celebrate the hard work, dedication, and creativity that went into building your website.

b. Acknowledge Your Team (if applicable):

  • If you had a team working on the project, acknowledge and celebrate their efforts. Recognition boosts morale and fosters a positive working environment.

c. Thank Your Supporters:

  • Express gratitude to your audience, customers, and anyone who supported you throughout the website development process. Let them know their engagement and encouragement are appreciated.

d. Host a Virtual Launch Party (Optional):

  • Consider hosting a virtual launch party on social media or via a live stream. Engage with your audience in real-time, answer questions, and make it a memorable celebration.

7. Ongoing Maintenance and Updates:

a. Schedule Regular Backups:

  • Continue scheduling regular backups to safeguard your website against unforeseen issues.

b. Update Content:

  • Regularly update and add fresh content to keep your website relevant and engaging.

c. Monitor User Feedback:

  • Pay attention to user feedback and suggestions. Use this information to make continuous improvements.

d. Stay Informed:

  • Stay informed about industry trends, technology advancements, and best practices to ensure your website remains competitive and cutting-edge.


Launching your WordPress website is a significant achievement that marks the beginning of an exciting online presence. By following these steps, you not only introduce your creation to the world but also set the stage for ongoing success. Embrace the journey, stay committed to excellence, and may your website flourish in the digital landscape!

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