The Importance of Networking: Building Relationships with Corporates and CSR Foundations


Networking is a critical aspect of building relationships with corporates and CSR foundations as an NGO. It allows NGOs to build connections, forms partnerships, and gain support to further their mission. Here are some key reasons why networking is important for NGOs:

  1. Access to funding: Corporates and CSR foundations fund NGOs to implement their programs. By networking with these organizations, NGOs can learn about available funding opportunities and build relationships with decision-makers to increase their chances of securing funding.
  2. Access to resources and expertise: Corporates and CSR foundations have access to resources and expertise that can help NGOs achieve their mission. Networking with these organizations can provide NGOs with access to these resources and expertise, which can help them to improve their programs and increase their impact.
  3. Form partnerships: Networking allows NGOs to form partnerships with corporates and CSR foundations. These partnerships can help NGOs to achieve their mission by leveraging the resources and expertise of these organizations.
  4. Increase visibility: Networking allows NGOs to increase their visibility and exposure to potential supporters. By attending events, speaking at conferences, and engaging with decision-makers, NGOs can build their brand and attract new supporters.
  5. Share knowledge and best practices: Networking allows NGOs to share knowledge and best practices with other organizations. This can help NGOs learn from the experiences of others and improve their programs.
  6. Build credibility and trust: By networking with corporates and CSR foundations, NGOs can build credibility and trust. This is important in attracting funding and support, as donors want to support organizations they can trust and believe in.

In conclusion, networking is crucial for NGOs to build relationships with corporates and CSR foundations, access funding and resources, form partnerships, increase visibility, share knowledge, and build credibility and trust. Networking requires time, effort, and persistence, but the rewards can be significant in achieving an NGO’s mission and positively impacting the community.


  1. It is an excellent exposition and an insightful one indeed.
    Many congratulations to the author!
    Prof Dr J Christopher Daniel,Ph.D
    Executive Director
    Goodwill Social Work Centre

  2. Congratulation for this great Inititive

    Dr. Sakhi John
    Public Health Management
    Jamia Hamdard

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