Testing Your WordPress Website Before Launch

14 Wordpress Testing Your Wordpress Website Before Launch

Launching a WordPress website is an exciting milestone, but before you unveil your digital masterpiece to the world, thorough testing is essential. In this detailed guide, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive checklist to ensure that every aspect of your WordPress website functions seamlessly. From checking for broken links to testing forms and ensuring cross-browser compatibility, this checklist will help you deliver a polished and error-free website to your audience.

1. Content Validation:

a. Check for Broken Links:

  • Use tools like W3C Link Checker or online link validation services to scan your website for broken links. Ensure that all internal and external links are working correctly.

b. Verify Images and Media:

  • Manually inspect all images and media files to ensure they are correctly displayed and optimized for faster loading times.

c. Review Text Content:

  • Proofread all text content for spelling, grammar, and formatting errors. Ensure that the content is consistent and aligns with your brand voice.

2. Functionality Testing:

a. Test Navigation:

  • Navigate through your website’s menu and ensure that all links lead to the correct pages. Check dropdown menus for proper functionality.

b. Verify Contact Forms:

  • Submit test entries through all contact forms on your website. Confirm that form submissions are received, and automated emails are sent if applicable.

c. Test Search Functionality:

  • Conduct searches on your website and confirm that the search functionality returns relevant results.

d. Review Social Media Integration:

  • Confirm that social media sharing buttons work correctly, and social media feeds are displaying as intended.

3. Responsiveness and Cross-Browser Compatibility:

a. Check Responsiveness:

  • Test your website on various devices (desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones) to ensure responsiveness. Verify that the content adapts appropriately to different screen sizes.

b. Cross-Browser Testing:

  • Test your website on different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, etc.) to ensure compatibility. Pay attention to layout consistency and functionality across browsers.

4. Performance Optimization:

a. Page Loading Speed:

  • Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to analyze your website’s loading speed. Optimize images, leverage browser caching, and minimize HTTP requests as needed.

b. Mobile-Friendly Test:

  • Utilize Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to confirm that your website meets mobile usability standards.

5. Security Checks:

a. Update WordPress Core, Themes, and Plugins:

  • Ensure that your WordPress core, themes, and plugins are updated to the latest versions for security patches and improved performance.

b. SSL Certificate Verification:

  • Confirm that your SSL certificate is active, and your website is loading over HTTPS. This is crucial for secure data transmission.

c. Secure Admin Area:

  • Change default login credentials, limit login attempts, and install a security plugin (e.g., Wordfence) to enhance the security of your admin area.

6. Accessibility Testing:

a. Use Accessibility Tools:

  • Employ accessibility tools like WAVE (Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool) to assess your website’s accessibility. Ensure that it complies with web accessibility standards.

b. Keyboard Navigation:

  • Test your website’s navigation using only a keyboard to ensure it’s accessible for users with disabilities.

7. Review SEO Elements:

a. Verify Meta Tags:

  • Check that meta tags (title tags, meta descriptions, etc.) are correctly implemented on all pages for optimal search engine visibility.

b. Submit Sitemap to Search Engines:

  • Submit your XML sitemap to search engines like Google and Bing using Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools.

c. Check SEO-Friendly URLs:

  • Ensure that your URLs are SEO-friendly, containing relevant keywords and providing a clear structure.

8. Backup Your Website:

a. Create a Full Backup:

  • Perform a full backup of your website, including files and databases, before making any changes or proceeding with the launch.

9. User Testing:

a. Invite Beta Testers:

  • Invite a small group of beta testers to explore your website. Collect feedback on usability, functionality, and any potential issues.

b. User Feedback Survey:

  • Create a survey to gather feedback from beta testers. Use this input to make final adjustments before the official launch.

10. Final Checks:

a. Remove Test Content:

  • Remove any placeholder or test content that was used during the development and testing phase.

b. Set Up Custom Error Pages:

  • Create custom 404 error pages to guide users in case they encounter broken or missing content.

c. Confirm Domain Configuration:

  • Verify that your domain is correctly configured, and domain redirects (if any) are working as intended.

11. Launch Day Checklist:

a. Double-Check Everything:

  • Before officially launching your website, go through the entire checklist one last time to ensure everything is in order.

b. Notify Stakeholders:

  • If applicable, notify stakeholders, team members, and anyone involved in the launch about the scheduled date and time.

c. Schedule a Backup:

  • Schedule a final backup just before the launch to capture any last-minute changes.


Launching a WordPress website involves meticulous testing and attention to detail. By following this comprehensive checklist, you’ll be well-equipped to identify and address any potential issues, ensuring a smooth and error-free launch. Remember, thorough testing not only enhances the user experience but also contributes to the long-term success of your website. Good luck with your launch!

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